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John Koutsourakis

Welcome to Our Developer Diary #1

Hi Everyone,

John from Johnny K Creations here! 👋

Welcome to our Dev Diary for our upcoming, tentatively titled "Project Auckland", to which we will share with you monthly updates, news and all things great.

We've been hard at work over the past 18 months building the foundation of this upcoming title set in a distant land, where you will journey with 4 heroes and uncover their legends and the mysteries of their world.

At the moment, we're toiling away finalising character designs across the project and having plenty of fun undertaking character modelling, as well as pouring our heart and soul into the story writing. Something we're really proud to mention is we're already in the prototyping phase with the core RPG mechanics and overall feel of the play style using Epic Games', Unreal Engine 4.

We look forward to sharing our journey with you each month and would love to hear what you have to say.

Until next time, see ya! 👋


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